Biased Nihilist |
7th Year |
Competition's chief administrator. Participated for entire competition. Logged seventh-straight year of full participation. |
Bomber7 |
7th Year |
Competition's Treasurer. Participated for entire regular season. Missed only final round of playoffs (Rd #4). |
CarolinaNYD |
7th Year |
Participated for entire competition. Logged seventh-straight year of full participation. Latinum membership was sponsored by Biased Nihilist. |
xjoeyx |
7th Year |
Participated for entire competition. Logged sixth-straight year of full participation. |
1947Lifer |
7th Year |
Missed Thanksgiving day (first leg of wk #12) of regular season. Participated for entire playoffs. |
Tony Soprano |
6th Year |
Designated as back-up review writer for weekly reviews, but was never used for year #7, and as a result, cadre status terminated at end of season. Participated for entire competition. |
7mick7 |
6th Year |
Competition's primary rules arbitrator. Participated for entire competition. Entire set of picks for Rd #4 were disqualifed. Logged sixth-straight year of full participation. |
Pinstripes |
6th Year |
Participated for entire competition. Logged sixth year of full participation. |
Driveline |
5th Year |
Participated for entire competition. Logged fifth-straight year of full participation. |
moemonie |
5th Year |
Missed weeks' #16 and #17 of regular season. Did not participate in the playoffs. |
redsoxdon |
5th Year |
Participated for entire competition. Logged first year of full participation. |
jcvike28 |
4th Year |
Participated for entire competition. Logged fourth-straight year of full participation. |
Mort2112 |
4th Year |
Missed week #8 of regular season. Participated for first round of playoffs (Rd#1) but did not participate for final three rounds (Rd #2, Rd #3, & Rd #4). |
dbucc |
4th Year |
Participated for entire competition. Logged first year of full participation. |
Theopholis |
4th Year |
Missed weeks' #4, #11, and Thanksgiving day (first leg of week #12) of regular season. Participated for entire playoffs. |
Blitzkrieg |
2nd Year |
Participated for entire competition. Logged second-straight year of full participation. |
ibbill |
2nd Year |
Participated for entire regular season. Logged first year of full participation |
PinstripesPoppa |
Rookie (1st Year) |
Missed week #6 of regular season. Participated for entire playoffs. |
Rookie (1st Year) |
>Missed week's #10 and #17 of regular season. Participated for entire playoffs. |
NOTE: Participant highlighted in gold denotes participant joined office pool (Gold-Pressed Latinum Club). Final Latinum jackpot: 1st-place prize (470 Bars), 2nd-place prize (100 Bars). |