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DIVISIONAL CHAMPIONS (Yearly divisions listed by seeding order. Top-seeded divisions are listed first.) |
YEAR #13 | 7mick7 | #1 7mick7 (420 Bars) #2 B.Nihilist (100 Bars) #3 Vikings17 (40 bars) |
Vikings17 | Theopholis | Corozal: B.Nihilist Hail Mary: Driveline Run-&-Shoot: Vikings17 Red Zone: 7mick7 |
YEAR #12 | Driveline | #1 Driveline (400 Bars) #2 DawgPound (80 Bars) #3 Driveline (40 bars) |
Driveline | moemonie | Corozal: moemonie Hail Mary: Blitzkrieg Run-&-Shoot: Driveline Red Zone: DawgPound |
YEAR #11 | dbucc | #1 dbucc (410 Bars) #2 Tony Soprano (100 Bars) #3 Tony Soprano (50 bars) |
Tony Soprano | DIRTYBIRDS | Hail Mary: Blitzkrieg Run-&-Shoot: Tony Soprano Corozal: Biased Nihilist Red Zone: dbucc |
YEAR #10 | Tony Soprano | #1 T.Soprano (370 Bars) #2 TCU (100 Bars) #3 moemonie (50 bars) |
moemonie | moemonie | Hail Mary: moemonie Run-&-Shoot: DawgPound Red Zone: Tony Soprano Corozal: Biased Nihilist |
YEAR #9 | Driveline | #1 Driveline (450 Bars) #2 carldaddy (80 Bars) #3 Blitzkrieg (40 bars) |
Blitzkrieg | Walter | Hail Mary: Walter Corozal: TCU Run-&-Shoot: carldaddy Red Zone: Tony Soprano Coffin Corner: Blitzkrieg |
YEAR #8 | Tony Soprano | #1 Tony Soprano (490 Bars) #2 H.E.Pennypacker (130 Bars) #3 Tony Soprano (70 bars) |
Tony Soprano | H.E. Pennypacker | Hail Mary: H.E. Pennypacker Run-&-Shoot: Tony Soprano Red Zone: Pinstripes Corozal: Biased Nihilist Coffin Corner: jcvike28 |
YEAR #7 | jcvike28 | #1 jcvike28 (470 Bars) #2 dbucc (100 Bars) |
redsoxdon | CarolinaNYD | Hail Mary: CarolinaNYD Whiskey Legs: 7mick7 Bada Bing: jcvike28 Sneaky Pete: Bomber7 Corozal: redsoxdon |
YEAR #6 | Biased Nihilist | Biased Nihilist (425 Bars) |
moemonie | CarolinaNYD | Rogue Scholar: CarolinaNYD Sneaky Pete: Bomber7 Bada Bing: 1947Lifer Corozal: Biased Nihilist Whiskey Legs: moemonie |
YEAR #5 | Biased Nihilist | Biased Nihilist (350 Bars) |
SmokeyMcPot | Theopholis | Rogue Scholar: Theopholis Whiskey Legs: jcvike28 Corozal: SmokeyMcPot Sneaky Pete: 1947Lifer Jack Dundee: moemonie |
YEAR #4 | Tony Soprano | Biased Nihilist (300 Bars) |
rexkramer | rexkramer | Jack Dundee: rexkramer Corozal: Biased Nihilist Whiskey Legs: Tony Soprano Rogue Scholar: 1947Lifer Sneaky Pete: jcvike28 |
YEAR #3 | LTFrankDrebben | LTFrankDrebben (225 Bars) |
xjoeyx | xjoeyx | Corozal: xjoeyx Sneaky Pete: fromcal Jack Dundee: LTFrankDrebben Rogue Scholar: 1947Lifer Whiskey Legs: moemonie |
YEAR #2 | Bomber7 | Bomber7 (175 Bars) |
Bomber7 | smitty | Jack Dundee: smitty Corozal: LTFranKDrebben Sneaky Pete: Bomber7 Rogue Scholar: jobadahut |
YEAR #1 | Biased Nihilist | N/A | Biased Nihilist | N/A | N/A |